Latest Books

Math and Programming

Written in Bengali Language

Mathematics and programming are deeply connected. Programming is based on mathematics. Many mathematical problems are currently being solved with the help of programming. To become proficient in mathematics, you have to understand it well and feel it in your imagination. In this book, we have discussed in detail some interesting concepts of mathematics and Python programming. We also tried to show how math and programming are related. We believe that after this book you will learn to think of mathematics in a new way and you will learn how to analyze the arguments behind mathematics through programming.

About AS8 Publications

The AS8 Organization has launched a project called AS8 Publications to ensure that programming-related macro resources such as eBooks and magazines are freely available to everyone. On this website, you will find learning resources that have been created by our community and collaborators.

On the other hand, The AS8 organization is the first actual developer community of Bangladesh where everyone can join, collaborate on projects, connect with each-others, and grow together. Most of the typical Bangladeshi students find it difficult to start their programming journey. We are here to help them out by providing necessary resources, mentorship, and organizing code jams, hackathons, and different events throughout the year. Our mission is to inspire a lifelong love of learning in innovative ways and to create a learning experience that is fun, and fruitful. For learning more about us, click here.